Headteacher's Welcome

Educating children in the Catholic tradition means being part of a warm, caring and compassionate community in which everyone is encouraged to think about others and care for our environment. A key feature of our Catholicism is the way in which we tend to each child’s individual needs. At Saint Christina’s we talk about ‘stewardship’. For us this means that we hold your child in trust. It means taking each child by the hand and walking their path so that, in their time with us, they have the opportunity to become the very best that they can be.

Saint Christina’s offers a contemporary curriculum, characterised by variety and innovation. We enjoy an enviable reputation for our STEM provision and Intellectual Curiosity Programme which has already provided opportunities for the children to launch their own space probe, build their own robots, code their own creations, and engineer, design and race their own mini-Formula 1 racing cars as part of the F1 in Schools programme.

Children at Saint Christina’s approach all that they do with great enthusiasm. In sport, they are successful in their leagues; in music and drama they perform as soloists, and within ensembles, orchestras, musicals and choirs. They successfully combine impressive intellectual endeavour with passion and engagement well beyond the curriculum.

Our pupils achieve outstanding outcomes in their 11+ assessments and move on to the best senior schools in London. As a father, and previously a Head in a senior school, I well understand that the process of selecting and transferring to a senior school can be a daunting time. One of the most important aspects of being the Head of a prep school is to ensure this happens smoothly by supporting and advising you and your child throughout the process.

I hope our website gives you a window into our community and that you like what you see. Do contact us if you would like to know more or if you would like to visit the School to get a better sense and feel for the wonderful children and inspirational staff who make up our community.

I very much look forward to meeting you.

Alastair Gloag

Mr Gloag was recently interviewed by Education Choices magazine, which you can listen to below.


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